Diabetes Critical Illness

Compare Diabetes
Insurance Plan Singapore

Compare Diabetes insurance plan and get the best coverage for your needs.
Enjoy full death, disability and critical illness insurance coverage even with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Please enter a number from 20 to 60.
Aviva MyCore CI
Covers 11 diabetes related critical illness and TPD
Receive 20% of your total premium paid at the end of policy term when no claim is made
Get additional 10% payout upon Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treamtment For Coronary Artery
20% additional payout for 4 diabetic related condition
Annual Premium
Sum Assured
  • All results are based on the criteria selected and for Non-Smoker status by default.
  • Results are intended as general information only and do not take into account financial situation or particular need of any user or reader, any specific person or group of persons.
  • Premium rates are based on the dates such rates were generated by us. Actual rates may differ from those currently offered by the respective insurers.
  • Premium rates are for standard terms and do not take into consideration lifestyle, health condition, occupation or any other factors that may cause rates to differ or any policy coverage exclusions offered by the insurer, where applicable.
  • It is recommended to seek financial advice from a qualified financial adviser for product suitability and its latest premium rates quotation before making a decision to purchase the product. In the event you choose not to seek advice, you should consider if the product is suitable for you.
  • Please read our full Disclaimer on the use of our website.


What are Diabetic Insurance Plans

Diabetic Insurance plans provides a lump sum pay-out on critical illnesses diagnosis, death and disability for chronic disease, pre-diabetic or type-2 diabetic patients.

What are covered under diabetes insurance plans?

Death, Disability and selected number of critical illness are covered

What is the difference between diabetic insurance vs normal life insurance?

Usually diabetes insurance has higher premium with selected number of critical illness conditions covered, it provides specific diabetic diseases coverage such as Diabetic Nephropathy or certain medical procedures such as amputation of limbs due to diabetes. Total and permanent disability can be covered as well.

What other pre-existing conditions may be covered?

Certain insurers provide coverage even if you have chronic illnesses such as high-blood, high BMI and high cholesterol.

Why should you get Critical illness insurance?

Being protected for dread diseases will be the best decision you have made should the unexpected strike. The lump sum pay-out will help to ease your family and your financial burden and provide a much-needed money cushion during this difficult time. We recommend at least 3 to 4 years of your income for Critical Illness Insurance protection in your insurance portfolio.

Why should you get Diabetes insurance Plan?

While most diabetic or pre-diabetic patients lives a normal active life, it has been proven time again that getting adequate coverage will be a challenge. With the latest product innovation from various insurers, getting protected at this juncture can provide a medium to long term financial relief should you be strike with a health condition which renders you unable to work.

Are all types of diabetes covered?

Only type 2 diabetes will be covered for diagnosis after a certain age.

Who is this product suitable for?

Anyone with or without diabetes can apply, individual with clean health will enjoy significant premium savings.

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