Conveyancing Lawyer Service

Manage your home purchase cost with competitive conveyance service. Buying a home comes with many unforeseen fee such as conveyancing, insurance and additional buyer stamp duty. You deserve a better deal, even if its something as complicated as conveyancing

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Manage Your Conveyancing Cost

There is no escape, one of the compulsory costs of buying and selling a home is to appoint a law firm to represent you. As such, a conveyancing lawyer is typically the most economical yet old fashion choice to help you with your property transaction.

Here are a few functions a conveyancing lawyer will perform for you.

As Buyer

  • Advise you on the terms and conditions of the OTP
  • Conduct title search on the property to confirm the intending seller’s ownership and to make sure the seller is not a criminal or an undischarged bankrupt
  • Should buyer decide to use their CPF to pay for the property, the conveyancing lawyer will advice on the procedures and help to liaise with CPF on behalf of the buyer
  • Remind the buyer on the expiration of the OTP and on the date of the OTP is exercised, to make sure that the option is exercised for a valid and binding contract for the purchase of the property
  • Sending out of legal requisition to various government agencies to ensure your property will not be affected by future changes in government plans e.g. LTA, BCA and NEA
  • After completion, the lawyer will do a search to ensure the necessary details are updated and send out notices to IRAS property tax dept and MCST. The lawyer will then handover the keys to the buyer

As Seller

  • Prepare the Option to Purchase (OTP)
  • Check to see if there are any outstanding liabilities and to inform seller of potential penalties that needs to be paid after notifying the bank
  • Provide evidence to the seller to show the buyer that all MCST, Property Tax dues are all paid up to date
  • Ascertain if the sales of the property come with furnishings or tenancy agreement.
  • During completion, the seller’s lawyer will ensure that all amount due and payable to the seller and any third parties are accounted for and keys to be properly handed over to the buyer

Conveyance Fee Pricing

At Moneyline.SG, We ensure you that you will get the lowest market price from our partnered law firm. Here is a transparent cost for your property conveyancing. Cost are inclusive of GST, Stamp Fees, Search and Registration Fee.

Fee Schedule

HDB Services Nett Fee
Purchase of HDB Resale Flat $1,926
Sale of HDB Resale Flat $1,600
Refinancing of HDB Resale $1,600
Private Property Nett Fee
Purchase of Private Property From $2,140*
Sale of Private Property From $1,926*
Refinancing of Private Property From $1,926*

*For Private Property $1.2million and below

Answer 3 Specific Questions on your property for us to give you the best quote.

Contact Us


When does the conveyancing process start?

Usually, the conveyancing process starts from the time the buyer receives the Option to Purchase. However, we advise the buyer to engage a lawyer first to vet through the OTP before paying the 1% so that the terms of the contract can be identified and negotiated before the 1% commitment is made to purchase the OTP. This reduces any potential conflicts should there be discrepancies in the contract.

How long does the conveyancing process takes?

Usually between 10 to 12 weeks

Is it compulsory to engage a lawyer for conveyancing?

Yes, this is because for Singapore Land Authority (SLA) to register the legal documents, they have to be signed and duly certified by the buyer’s and seller’s lawyers.

How do you guarantee the fees are the most competitive?

We are quite confident our partner’s fees are the lowest. We will do a price match if you can prove to us you can get a cheaper quote.

Is my conveyancing conducted by a lawyer?


Are there still legal subsidies from the banks?

If you are refinancing your property to another bank with an outstanding loan of $500,000 and above, we can assist you with legal fee subsidies together with your mortgage refinancing needs. You may not be required to fork out a single cent for your conveyancing fee.

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